Saturday, January 14, 2006



Near the end of winter break, I took my boys to the Ranch (Westhaven) and up to play in the snow. After High School I worked at the Ranch, putting in fences, helping in the Walnut orchard (pruning, irrigating, harvesting), helping with the cows, while going to college. While I don't consider myself a cowboy, I guess I've got more credential than many 'city' cowboys I've seen. I remain good friends with the folks at the ranch, and enjoy visiting.

Things change tho'. Jackson now has a 4-plex movie theater, A bowling alley is between Martell and Sutter Creek, and there are stop-lights at a number of intersections. A&W, formerly the sole fast-food joint is no more, while the usual generic fast-food vendors, and Walmart have moved in. It's been interesting to watch Amador County grow. We had breakfast at the 'new' Mels diner on Highway 49 in Jackson. Flatscreen TV's abound.

On the way back from playing in the snow up at Peddler Hill, I stopped at the Sierra House in Pine Grove. I had been wondering whether there was going to be a Amador County High reunion this year. James, the owner wasn't sure, as he'd not heard of any plans.

Back at the Ranch, Saturday Fraser and I saddled the horses and we all went out riding the fences, checking the watergaps on Mule Creek and Dry Creek. This time of year, Dry Creek isn't dry. In fact it looks like it's contemplating jumping its bed and taking out some of the far pasture...

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