Tuesday, October 21, 2014

More Photo Options. - Exploring Instagram

Recently in the world of Scouting there has been discussion about collaborating with pictures from recent trips. - Last summer the troop visited Yellowstone. There are literally thousands of pictures taken by different folks on that trip. So the question has arisen: How best to get together and share the pictures?

In the past, after the 2007 Puerto Rico Trip, we had a barbecue and folks brought laptops and CD-Burners and shared images. This round folks wanted to try sharing online. As a band-aid many of the pictures were uploaded to the troop site in their raw form - original size, no editing. Problem: They're very difficult to navigate. So I'm still interested in finding a better solution.

A couple of weeks ago I attended a wedding in Santa Barbara. The kids (well to a grey haired gent like myself 30 year olds appear to be kids) let people know to share on instagram, with hash-tag #mcclemencewedding. Initially I thought that MIGHT be a solution for the Troop, but not really. Instagram REQUIRES every shot to be a square. - Ruining panorama's, a favorite photo type of mine. Still it has its uses. In short, I've created an instagram account. My Instagram Pics (to date mainly from the wedding)